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Introducing Guaranteed Trust Life (GTL) Advantage Plus Hospital Indemnity Insurance Policy

Did you know your health insurance coverage may leave you with substantial out-of-pocket expenses? We have a simple and more affordable solution to help you cover these costs. Our Advantage Plus program will pay you benefits for things like:

  • Daily Hospital Confinement
  • Ambulance Trips
  • Cancer
  • Dental/Vision
  • Short Duration of Hospital Stays
  • Outpatient Surgery
  • Skilled Nursing Facility
  • Critical Accidents
Hospital Indemnity insurance cover in Peoria, AZ

Time, Cost & Potentially Life Saving Answers at Your Fingertips

The best part, benefits are paid directly to you so you can use the funds any way you choose! In addition to these great benefits and coverage, you will also have access to Mayo Clinic Online! Ask Mayo Clinic’s on-demand, private and secure web-based tool providers an easy assessment of over 300 common symptoms. Instead of spending hours searching the internet for answers to your health-related questions, policyholders have 24/7 access to Ask Mayo Clinic online for answers to important health questions – anytime, anywhere! Click here to learn about specific benefits and coverages with our GTL Hospital Indemnity Plan.

About Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company

Experience You Can Trust – With more than 80 years of experience in the insurance industry. Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company has a proud heritage of providing excellent service and superior insurance products. Guarantee Trust Life is a mutual legal reserve company located in Glenview, Illinois, and licensed to conduct business in 49 states and the District of Columbia. Ideal Insurance Agency offers superior coverage across the Phoenix area including Surprise, Glendale, Peoria, Avondale, Buckeye, Goodyear, Phoenix, Sun City, Sun City West, AZ and Wickenburg.

Get Your Quote Today