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Commercial Auto & Business Auto Insurance Offering Peace of Mind

Ideal Insurance Agency offers a range of commercial automobile insurance and Business Auto Insurance options that protect you and your employees when you are out on the road. Whether you are driving locally or require interstate travel, being protected from financial risk associated with an accident is crucial in protecting your bottom line.

Commercial Auto Insurance Services in Arizona

We Are Committed to Your Revenue

Commercial car insurance and Business Insurance agencies such as Ideal Insurance Agency in Glendale, Surprise, Peoria, Sun City, Wickenburg, Sun City West, Avondale, Buckeye, Sun City Grand, Phoenix, and Goodyear AZ are committed to protecting your revenue. If you choose, our policies cover vehicle insurance and liability insurance.

Our Team Will Help You Customize Your Policy

They will help you identify a commercial auto {business auto} insurance policy that is customized to your needs, and will include if you choose:

  • Medical Coverage
  • Liability for Bodily Injury
  • Collision Coverage
  • Comprehensive Coverage
  • GAP Coverage
  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage
  • Underinsured Motorist Coverage

We can also offer you add-ons to your insurance policy such as Bailee Coverage, trip coverage, or motor truck cargo which will insure damage or property loss for items that are in the care, control, or custody of your company; for instance, items on a delivery truck.

Every commercial auto, business auto, and commercial truck {business truck} insurance policy is unique, so it is crucial that you discuss your needs with one of our specialists in Glendale and Surprise, AZ at Ideal Insurance Agency. We can assist you in determining the right amount of coverage that is perfect for your commercial needs.

As a business owner specializing in transportation, commercial automobile {business auto} insurance is a smart decision that will protect your finances. If you work on the road, ensure you are protected with a policy from Ideal Insurance Agency.

Hired and non-owned auto insurance (HNOA insurance) covers liability expenses for accidents involving vehicles that your business uses for work purposes but doesn’t own. This includes vehicles that your business rents, as well as your employees’ personal vehicles that are used for work errands.

Ideal Insurance Agency offers superior coverage across the Phoenix area including Surprise, Glendale, Peoria, Avondale, Buckeye, Goodyear, Phoenix, Sun City, Sun City West, AZ, and Wickenburg.

As in all insurance policies, coverage is subject to conditions, exclusions, and limitations contained in the insurance policy.

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